We Participate in
Coordinated Entry!
Coordinated Entry is a community partnership addressing the most vulnerable community members, those without housing. Along with our partners, our participating homeless population is prioritized on a list that is reviewed twice a month. Each partnering agency acts as an entry point and provides case management to assist with moving from homelessness into housing opportunities!
Family Promise Mat-Su is proud to be the Lead Agency in this process for our community.
Need help?
Ask for a coordinated entry assessment at one of the following access points.
Participating Agencies/Access Points:
Choosing Our Roots 907.764.6233
Family Promise Mat-Su 907.357.6160 ext 2
My House 907.373.4357
Valley Charities 907.354.4660
More Community Resources
Housing Resource
Birches ll Apartments
(907) 745-5929
Ridgecrest Park
(907) 376-9512
Forest Hills Apartments
(907) 357-0256
Chinook Apartments
(907) 373-0590
Clothing Resources
Frontline Mission
(907) 357-8600
Salvation Army
(907) 745-7079
(907) 376-5708
Utility Companies
(907) 376-7237
(907) 376-7979
Chugach Electric
(907) 745-3211
(907) 631-0350
Local Shelters
Alaska Family Services DV/SA
(907) 746-8026
Knik House (Single Men/Women)
(907) 864-0463
Food Resources
Blood N Fire Ministries
(907) 864-0463
Palmer Church of God Food Pantry
(907) 232-6706
(907) 376-3903
(907) 357-8600
Other Resources
Valley Transit
(907) 864-5000
AK Job Center
(907) 352-2500
CCS Early Learning center
(97) 373-7000
Ready To Rent (online)
Veteran Disability Calculator
Contact Us for Additional Resource Information
907-357-6160 ext 3
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.